H: [Nie]równości, ścieżki i przepaście [TODO]
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import Equality.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Ten rozdział będzie o tym, jak należy myśleć o równości, a w
szczególności o dowodach równości. Przez rozszerzenie będą
nas interesować także nierówności oraz dowody nierówności.
Niestety jeszcze nic na ten temat nie napisałem, więc musisz
póki co zadowolić się samym kodem.
Definition transport
{A : Type} (P : A -> Type) {x y : A} (p : x = y) (u : P x) : P y :=
match p with
| eq_refl => u
Lemma sigT_eq :
{A : Type} (P : A -> Type)
{x y : A} (p : x = y)
{u : P x} {v : P y} (q : transport P p u = v),
existT P x u = existT P y v.
destruct p. cbn. destruct 1. reflexivity.
Lemma sigT_eq' :
{A : Type} (P : A -> Type) {x y : sigT P},
x = y ->
{p : projT1 x = projT1 y & transport P p (projT2 x) = projT2 y}.
destruct 1, x. cbn. exists eq_refl. cbn. reflexivity.
Definition ap
{A B : Type} (f : A -> B) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : f x = f y :=
match p with
| eq_refl => eq_refl
Lemma transport_ap :
forall {A B : Type} (P : B -> Type) (f : A -> B)
(x y : A) (p : x = y) (u : P (f x)),
transport P (ap f p) u =
@transport A (fun x => P (f x)) x y p u.
destruct p. cbn. reflexivity.
Inductive path {A : Type} (x : A) : A -> Type :=
| idpath : path x x.
Inductive Box (A : Type) : Prop :=
| box : A -> Box A.
Lemma Box_path_is_eq :
forall {A : Type} {x y : A},
Box (path x y) <-> x = y.
intros [[]]. reflexivity.
destruct 1. do 2 constructor.
Ścieżki w typach induktywnych
Ścieżki między liczbami naturalnymi - rekurencyjnie
Module nat_eq_rec.
Fixpoint code (n m : nat) : Type :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => unit
| S _, 0 => Empty_set
| 0, S _ => Empty_set
| S n', S m' => code n' m'
Fixpoint encode_aux (n : nat) : code n n :=
match n with
| 0 => tt
| S n' => encode_aux n'
Definition encode {n m : nat} (p : n = m) : code n m :=
match p with
| eq_refl => encode_aux n
Fixpoint decode {n m : nat} : code n m -> n = m :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => fun _ => eq_refl
| 0, S _ => fun c => match c with end
| S _, 0 => fun c => match c with end
| S n', S m' => fun c => @f_equal _ _ S _ _ (@decode n' m' c)
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (p : n = m),
decode (encode p) = p.
Lemma isProp_code :
forall (n m : nat) (c1 c2 : code n m), c1 = c2.
Lemma encode_decode :
forall (n m : nat) (c : code n m),
encode (decode c) = c.
Lemma isSet_nat :
forall {n m : nat} (p q : n = m), p = q.
End nat_eq_rec.
Ścieżki między liczbami naturalnymi - induktywnie
Module nat_eq_ind.
Inductive nat_eq : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| nat_eq_0 : nat_eq 0 0
| nat_eq_S : forall {n m : nat}, nat_eq n m -> nat_eq (S n) (S m).
Fixpoint encode' (n : nat) : nat_eq n n :=
match n with
| 0 => nat_eq_0
| S n' => nat_eq_S (encode' n')
Definition encode {n m : nat} (p : n = m) : nat_eq n m :=
match p with
| eq_refl => encode' n
Fixpoint decode {n m : nat} (c : nat_eq n m) : n = m :=
match c with
| nat_eq_0 => eq_refl
| nat_eq_S c' => f_equal S (decode c')
Lemma encode_decode :
forall {n m : nat} (p : n = m),
decode (encode p) = p.
Scheme nat_eq_ind' := Induction for nat_eq Sort Prop.
Lemma isProp_code :
forall {n m : nat} (c1 c2 : nat_eq n m), c1 = c2.
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (c : nat_eq n m),
encode (decode c) = c.
Lemma isSet_nat :
forall {n m : nat} (p q : n = m), p = q.
End nat_eq_ind.
Jak powiedział śp. Stefan Kisielewski: "teoria typów bohatersko
zwalcza problemy nieznane w żadnej innej teorii".
Okazuje się, że sortu
SProp można całkiem efektywnie użyć do pokazywania,
że coś jest zdaniem w sensie HoTTowym. Dzięki temu dowód jest krótszy o
całe 33
Module nat_eq_rec_SProp.
Require Import G2.
Fixpoint code (n m : nat) : SProp :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => sUnit
| S _, 0 => sEmpty
| 0, S _ => sEmpty
| S n', S m' => code n' m'
Fixpoint encode_aux (n : nat) : code n n :=
match n with
| 0 => stt
| S n' => encode_aux n'
Definition encode {n m : nat} (p : n = m) : code n m :=
match p with
| eq_refl => encode_aux n
Fixpoint decode {n m : nat} : code n m -> n = m :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => fun _ => eq_refl
| 0, S _ => fun c => match c with end
| S _, 0 => fun c => match c with end
| S n', S m' => fun c => @f_equal _ _ S _ _ (@decode n' m' c)
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (p : n = m),
decode (encode p) = p.
Lemma isSet_nat:
forall {n m : nat} (p q : n = m), p = q.
End nat_eq_rec_SProp.
Różność liczb naturalnych - rekurencyjnie
Module nat_neq_rec.
A co to znaczy, że liczby naturalne nie są równe?
Powinien być tylko jeden dowód na nierówność.
Fixpoint code (n m : nat) : Type :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => False
| 0, S _ => True
| S _, 0 => True
| S n', S m' => code n' m'
Lemma isProp_code :
forall {n m : nat} (c1 c2 : code n m), c1 = c2.
Fixpoint encode {n m : nat} {struct n} : n <> m -> code n m.
Fixpoint decode {n m : nat} : code n m -> n <> m.
Lemma encode_decode :
forall {n m : nat} (p : n <> m),
decode (encode p) = p.
apply functional_extensionality.
destruct x.
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (c : code n m),
encode (decode c) = c.
apply isProp_code.
End nat_neq_rec.
Module nat_neq_ind.
Inductive nat_neq : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| ZS : forall n : nat, nat_neq 0 (S n)
| SZ : forall n : nat, nat_neq (S n) 0
| SS : forall n m : nat, nat_neq n m -> nat_neq (S n) (S m).
Arguments ZS {n}.
Arguments SZ {n}.
Arguments SS {n m} _.
Scheme nat_neq_ind' := Induction for nat_neq Sort Prop.
Lemma isProp_nat_neq :
forall {n m : nat} (p q : nat_neq n m), p = q.
Fixpoint encode {n m : nat} : n <> m -> nat_neq n m :=
match n, m with
| 0, 0 => fun p => match p eq_refl with end
| 0, S m' => fun _ => @ZS m'
| S n', 0 => fun _ => @SZ n'
| S n', S m' => fun p => SS (@encode n' m' (fun p' => p (f_equal S p')))
Fixpoint decode {n m : nat} (c : nat_neq n m) : n <> m.
destruct c.
inversion 1.
inversion 1.
inversion 1. apply (decode _ _ c). assumption.
Lemma encode_decode :
forall {n m : nat} (p : n <> m),
decode (encode p) = p.
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (c : nat_neq n m),
encode (decode c) = c.
End nat_neq_ind.
Module nat_eq_neq.
Import nat_eq_ind nat_neq_ind.
Lemma nat_eq_dec :
forall n m : nat, nat_eq n m + nat_neq n m.
End nat_eq_neq.
Porządek <= na liczbach naturalnych
Module encodedecode1.
Require Import G2.
Fixpoint code (n m : nat) : SProp :=
match n, m with
| 0, _ => sUnit
| _, 0 => sEmpty
| S n', S m' => code n' m'
Inductive gutle : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| gutle_0 : forall m : nat, gutle 0 m
| gutle_SS : forall n m : nat, gutle n m -> gutle (S n) (S m).
Fixpoint encode {n m : nat} (H : gutle n m) : code n m :=
match H with
| gutle_0 _ => stt
| gutle_SS _ _ H' => encode H'
Fixpoint decode (n m : nat) : code n m -> gutle n m :=
match n, m with
| 0 , _ => fun _ => gutle_0 m
| n' , 0 => fun c => match c with end
| S n', S m' => fun c => gutle_SS _ _ (decode n' m' c)
Fixpoint decode_encode
{n m : nat} (H : gutle n m) : decode n m (encode H) = H.
destruct H; cbn.
f_equal. apply decode_encode.
Lemma isProp_gutle :
forall {n m : nat} (p q : gutle n m), p = q.
rewrite <- (decode_encode p), <- (decode_encode q).
End encodedecode1.
Module encodedecode2.
Require Import G2.
Fixpoint code (n m : nat) : SProp :=
match n, m with
| 0, _ => sUnit
| _, 0 => sEmpty
| S n', S m' => code n' m'
Fixpoint encode' (n : nat) : code n n :=
match n with
| 0 => stt
| S n' => encode' n'
Fixpoint code_S {n m : nat} : code n m -> code n (S m) :=
match n, m with
| 0, _ => fun _ => stt
| _, 0 => fun c => match c with end
| S n', S m' => fun c => @code_S n' m' c
Fixpoint encode {n m : nat} (H : n <= m) : code n m :=
match H with
| le_n _ => encode' n
| le_S _ _ H' => code_S (encode H')
Lemma le_n_S_transparent :
forall n m : nat,
n <= m -> S n <= S m.
induction 1; constructor; assumption.
Definition decode :
forall {n m : nat}, code n m -> n <= m.
induction n as [| n'].
intros. clear H. induction m as [| m'].
constructor. assumption.
destruct m as [| m']; cbn; intro.
destruct H.
apply le_n_S_transparent, IHn'. assumption.
Lemma decode_code_S :
forall {n m : nat} (c : code n m),
decode (code_S c) = le_S _ _ (decode c).
induction n as [| n'].
destruct m; reflexivity.
destruct m as [| m'].
cbn. destruct c.
simpl. intros. rewrite IHn'. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {n m : nat} (H : n <= m),
decode (encode H) = H.
fix IH 3.
destruct H; cbn.
induction n as [| n'].
cbn. reflexivity.
simpl. rewrite IHn'. cbn. reflexivity.
rewrite decode_code_S, IH. reflexivity.
Lemma isProp_le :
forall {n m : nat} {H1 H2 : n <= m},
H1 = H2.
rewrite <- (decode_encode H1),
<- (decode_encode H2).
End encodedecode2.
Require Import D5.
Module list_eq_ind.
Kody nie muszą być rekurencyjne - mogą być induktywne.
Inductive code {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| nils : code [] []
| conss :
forall {h1 h2 : A} {t1 t2 : list A},
h1 = h2 -> code t1 t2 -> code (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Fixpoint encode' {A : Type} (l : list A) : code l l :=
match l with
| [] => nils
| h :: t => conss eq_refl (encode' t)
Definition encode
{A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (p : l1 = l2) : code l1 l2 :=
match p with
| eq_refl => encode' l1
Definition decode' {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (c : code l1 l2) : l1 = l2.
Fixpoint decode {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (c : code l1 l2) : l1 = l2 :=
match c with
| nils => eq_refl
| conss p c' =>
match p, decode c' with
| eq_refl, eq_refl => eq_refl
Lemma encode_decode :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (p : l1 = l2),
decode (encode p) = p.
Scheme code_ind' := Induction for code Sort Prop.
Check code_ind.
Check code_ind'.
Lemma decode_encode :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (c : code l1 l2),
encode (decode c) = c.
Insajt, że o ja pierdole: jak się ma list_eq do Forall?
Inductive Forall2
{A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Prop) : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
| nil2 : Forall2 R [] []
| cons2 :
forall {h1 h2 : A} {t1 t2 : list A},
R h1 h2 -> Forall2 R t1 t2 -> Forall2 R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Lemma list_eq_Forall :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A},
code l1 l2 <-> Forall2 (@eq A) l1 l2.
split; induction 1; constructor; assumption.
End list_eq_ind.
Module list_eq_forall.
Definition code {A : Type} (l1 l2 : list A) : Prop :=
forall n : nat, nth n l1 = nth n l2.
Definition encode
{A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (p : l1 = l2) : code l1 l2 :=
match p with
| eq_refl => fun n => eq_refl
Definition decode {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (c : code l1 l2) : l1 = l2.
End list_eq_forall.
Różność list - induktywnie
Module list_neq_ind.
Inductive list_neq
{A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Type) : list A -> list A -> Type :=
| nc : forall (h : A) (t : list A), list_neq R [] (h :: t)
| cn : forall (h : A) (t : list A), list_neq R (h :: t) []
| cc1 : forall (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : list A),
R h1 h2 -> list_neq R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2)
| cc2 : forall (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : list A),
list_neq R t1 t2 -> list_neq R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Hint Constructors list_neq.
Lemma list_neq_irrefl_aux :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} (l1 l2 : list A),
(forall x : A, R x x -> False) ->
list_neq R l1 l2 -> l1 <> l2.
Lemma list_neq_irrefl_sym :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} (l1 l2 : list A),
(forall x y : A, R x y -> R y x) ->
list_neq R l1 l2 -> list_neq R l2 l1.
Lemma list_neq_cotrans :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} (l1 l3 : list A),
(forall x y z : A, R x z -> R x y + R y z) ->
list_neq R l1 l3 -> forall l2 : list A,
list_neq R l1 l2 + list_neq R l2 l3.
Inductive Exists2
{A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Type) : list A -> list A -> Type :=
| E2_here :
forall {h1 h2 : A} (t1 t2 : list A),
R h1 h2 -> Exists2 R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2)
| E2_there :
forall {h1 h2 : A} {t1 t2 : list A},
Exists2 R t1 t2 -> Exists2 R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Lemma Exists2_list_neq :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
Exists2 R l1 l2 -> list_neq R l1 l2.
Inductive DifferentStructure
{A : Type} : list A -> list A -> Type :=
| DS_nc :
forall (h : A) (t : list A),
DifferentStructure [] (h :: t)
| DS_cn :
forall (h : A) (t : list A),
DifferentStructure (h :: t) []
| DS_cc :
forall (h1 h2 : A) {t1 t2 : list A},
DifferentStructure t1 t2 ->
DifferentStructure (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Insajt, że o ja pierdole: list_neq to w sumie Exists2 lub
DifferentStructure, czyli listy różnią się, gdy różnią się
na którymś elemencie lub mają różną długość.
Lemma lnE2 :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
list_neq R l1 l2 -> Exists2 R l1 l2 + DifferentStructure l1 l2.
Lemma lnE2_conv :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
Exists2 R l1 l2 + DifferentStructure l1 l2 -> list_neq R l1 l2.
Lemma okurwa :
(A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Type) (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : list A)
(r1 : R h1 h2) (r2 : R h1 h2),
@inl _
(DifferentStructure (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2))
(E2_here R t1 t2 r1)
inl (E2_here R t1 t2 r2) ->
r1 = r2.
Lemma lnE2_lnE2_conv :
{A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A}
(c : list_neq R l1 l2),
lnE2_conv (lnE2 c) = c.
Lemma lnE2_conv_lnE2 :
{A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A}
(x : Exists2 R l1 l2 + DifferentStructure l1 l2),
lnE2 (lnE2_conv x) = x.
Inductive DifferentStructure'
{A : Type} : list A -> list A -> SProp :=
| DS'_nc :
forall (h : A) (t : list A),
DifferentStructure' [] (h :: t)
| DS'_cn :
forall (h : A) (t : list A),
DifferentStructure' (h :: t) []
| DS'_cc :
forall (h1 h2 : A) {t1 t2 : list A},
DifferentStructure' t1 t2 ->
DifferentStructure' (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2).
Lemma DS_DS' :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A},
DifferentStructure l1 l2 -> DifferentStructure' l1 l2.
Inductive sEmpty : SProp := .
Lemma sEmpty_rec' :
forall A : Type, sEmpty -> A.
Lemma DS'_spec :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A},
DifferentStructure' l1 l2 -> l1 <> l2.
Lemma DS'_DS :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A},
DifferentStructure' l1 l2 -> DifferentStructure l1 l2.
Lemma isProp_DS :
{A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A}
(p q : DifferentStructure l1 l2),
p = q.
Lemma DS_DS'_DS :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (p : DifferentStructure l1 l2),
DS'_DS (DS_DS' p) = p.
Lemma DS'_DS_DS' :
forall {A : Type} {l1 l2 : list A} (p : DifferentStructure' l1 l2),
DS_DS' (DS'_DS p) = p.
Inductive sor (A : Type) (B : SProp) : Type :=
| sinl : A -> sor A B
| sinr : B -> sor A B.
Arguments sinl {A B} _.
Arguments sinr {A B} _.
Lemma lnE2' :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
list_neq R l1 l2 -> sor (Exists2 R l1 l2) (DifferentStructure' l1 l2).
Lemma lnE2'_conv :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
sor (Exists2 R l1 l2) (DifferentStructure' l1 l2) -> list_neq R l1 l2.
Lemma okurwa' :
(A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Type) (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : list A)
(r1 : R h1 h2) (r2 : R h1 h2),
@sinl _
(DifferentStructure' (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2))
(E2_here R t1 t2 r1)
sinl (E2_here R t1 t2 r2) ->
r1 = r2.
Lemma lnE2'_lnE2'_conv :
{A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A}
(c : list_neq R l1 l2),
lnE2'_conv (lnE2' c) = c.
Lemma lnE2'_conv_lnE2' :
{A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A}
(x : sor (Exists2 R l1 l2) (DifferentStructure' l1 l2)),
lnE2' (lnE2'_conv x) = x.
destruct x.
induction e; cbn in *.
destruct (list_neq_rect A R _); inversion IHe. reflexivity.
revert l2 d.
induction l1 as [| h1 t1]; destruct l2 as [| h2 t2]; cbn; intro.
apply sEmpty_rec. inv d.
Wnioski: próba użycia tutaj SProp jest bardzo poroniona.
End list_neq_ind.
Różność list - rekursywnie
Module list_neq_rec.
Fixpoint list_neq {A : Type} (l1 l2 : list A) : Prop :=
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] => False
| [], _ => True
| _, [] => True
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 => h1 <> h2 \/ list_neq t1 t2
Lemma list_neq_spec :
forall (A : Type) (l1 l2 : list A),
list_neq l1 l2 -> l1 <> l2.
End list_neq_rec.
Ścieżki w typach koinduktywnych
Nierówność liczb konaturalnych
Module conat_neq.
Require Import F2.
Inductive conat_neq : conat -> conat -> Prop :=
| cnzs :
forall c : conat, conat_neq zero (succ c)
| cnsz :
forall c : conat, conat_neq (succ c) zero
| cnss :
forall n m : conat, conat_neq n m -> conat_neq (succ n) (succ m).
Lemma conat_neq_spec :
forall n m : conat,
conat_neq n m -> n <> m.
End conat_neq.
Module Stream_neq.
Require Import F3.
Inductive Stream_neq
{A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Prop) : Stream A -> Stream A -> Type :=
| Stream_neq_hd :
forall (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : Stream A),
R h1 h2 -> Stream_neq R (scons h1 t1) (scons h2 t2)
| Stream_neq_tl :
forall (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : Stream A),
Stream_neq R t1 t2 -> Stream_neq R (scons h1 t1) (scons h2 t2).
Inductive Stream_neq'
{A : Type} : Stream A -> Stream A -> Type :=
| Stream_neq_hd' :
forall t1 t2 : Stream A,
hd t1 <> hd t2 -> Stream_neq' t1 t2
| Stream_neq_tl' :
forall t1 t2 : Stream A,
Stream_neq' (tl t1) (tl t2) -> Stream_neq' t1 t2.
Lemma Stream_neq_not_sim :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {s1 s2 : Stream A},
(forall x : A, ~ R x x) ->
Stream_neq R s1 s2 -> ~ sim s1 s2.
Lemma Stream_neq'_not_sim :
forall {A : Type} {s1 s2 : Stream A},
Stream_neq' s1 s2 -> ~ sim s1 s2.
Lemma Stream_neq'_Stream_neq :
forall {A : Type} {s1 s2 : Stream A},
Stream_neq' s1 s2 ->
Stream_neq (fun x y => x <> y) s1 s2.
Lemma Stream_neq_Stream_neq' :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {s1 s2 : Stream A},
(forall x : A, ~ R x x) ->
Stream_neq R s1 s2 -> Stream_neq' s1 s2.
End Stream_neq.
Ścieżki między funkcjami
Ścieżki w uniwersum
Miło by było pamiętać, że Coq to nie jest jakiś tam biedajęzyk
programowania, tylko pełnoprawny system podstaw matematyki (no,
prawie...). W związku z tym pokaż, że
nat <> Type.
Module nat_not_Type.
Definition idtoeqv {A B : Type} (p : A = B) : A -> B.
Lemma idtoeqv_sur :
forall (A B : Type) (p : A = B) (b : B),
exists a : A, idtoeqv p a = b.
Definition wut
(f : nat -> Type) (n : nat) (h : f n -> forall m : nat, f m -> bool)
: forall k : nat, f k -> bool.
Theorem nat_not_Type : ~ @eq Type nat Type.
End nat_not_Type.
To samo co wyżej, ale tym razem dla dowolnego typu, który ma
rozstrzygalną równość oraz spełnia aksjomat K.
Lemma idtoeqv_sur :
forall (A B : Type) (p : A = B) (b : B),
exists a : A, idtoeqv p a = b.
Definition wut
(f : A -> Type) (x : A) (h : f x -> forall y : A, f y -> bool)
: forall z : A, f z -> bool.
Theorem A_not_Type : ~ @eq Type A Type.
End EqDec_not_Type.
Dobrze wiemy, że
SProp to nie
Type... a może jednak?
Rozstrzygnij, czy
SProp = Type zachodzi, czy nie.
Module SProp_not_Type.
Let S := SProp.
Let U := Type.
Lemma SProp_not_Type :
S <> U.
assert (forall (P : S) (p1 p2 : P), p1 = p2) by reflexivity.
assert ((forall (A : U) (x y : A), x = y) -> False).
intro. specialize (H1 bool true false). congruence.
apply H1. intros.
End SProp_not_Type.
Module DiffProtocols.
Print list_neq_ind.list_neq.
list_neq_ind.list_neq to pokazanie na odpowiadające sobie miejsca w
dwóch listach, które różnią się znajdującym się tam elementem.
Inductive ListDiffProtocol
{A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Type) : list A -> list A -> Type :=
| nn' : ListDiffProtocol R [] []
| nc' : forall (h : A) (t : list A), ListDiffProtocol R [] (h :: t)
| cn' : forall (h : A) (t : list A), ListDiffProtocol R (h :: t) []
| cc1' : forall (h1 h2 : A) (t1 t2 : list A),
R h1 h2 -> ListDiffProtocol R t1 t2 ->
ListDiffProtocol R (h1 :: t1) (h2 :: t2)
| cc2' : forall (h : A) (t1 t2 : list A),
ListDiffProtocol R t1 t2 ->
ListDiffProtocol R (h :: t1) (h :: t2).
ListDiffProtocol to sprawozdanie mówiące, w których miejscach listy
się różnią, a w których są takie same (i od którego miejsca jedna jest
dłuższa od drugiej).
Spróbujmy udowodnić, że jeżeli elementy mogą się różnić tylko na
jeden sposób, to protokół jest unikalny.
Lemma isProp_ListDiffProtocol :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Prop} {l1 l2 : list A},
(forall (x y : A) (p q : R x y), p = q) ->
(forall x : A, ~ R x x) ->
forall p q : ListDiffProtocol R l1 l2, p = q.
induction p; dependent destruction q; try reflexivity; f_equal.
apply H.
apply IHp.
destruct (H0 _ r).
destruct (H0 _ r).
apply IHp.
Protokoły są zwrotne i symetryczne, ale niekoniecznie przechodnie.
Lemma proto_refl :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Type} (l : list A),
ListDiffProtocol R l l.
Lemma proto_sym :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Type} {l1 l2 : list A},
(forall x y : A, R x y -> R y x) ->
ListDiffProtocol R l1 l2 -> ListDiffProtocol R l2 l1.
Lemma proto_trans :
forall {A : Type} {R : A -> A -> Type} {l1 l2 l3 : list A},
(forall x y z : A, R x y -> R y z -> R x z) ->
ListDiffProtocol R l1 l2 -> ListDiffProtocol R l2 l3 ->
ListDiffProtocol R l1 l3.
Hint Constructors ListDiffProtocol.
intros * H HLDP. revert l3.
induction HLDP; inversion 1; subst; auto.
Funkcje są różne (w silnym sensie), gdy różnią się dla jakiegoś
Definition FunDiffPoint
{A B : Type} (R : B -> B -> Prop) (f g : A -> B) : Type :=
{x : A | R (f x) (g x)}.
Protokół różnicowy dla funkcji mówi, dla których argumentów wyniki
są takie same, a dla których są różne.
Definition FunDiffProtocol
{A B : Type} (R : B -> B -> Prop) (f g : A -> B) : Type :=
forall x : A, f x = g x \/ R (f x) (g x).
End DiffProtocols.
Class iso (A B : Type) : Type :=
coel : A -> B;
coer : B -> A;
coel_coer :
forall a : A, coer (coel a) = a;
coer_coel :
forall b : B, coel (coer b) = b;
Arguments coel {A B} _.
Arguments coer {A B} _.
Instance iso_refl (A : Type) : iso A A :=
coel := id;
coer := id;
coel_coer _ := eq_refl;
coer_coel _ := eq_refl;
Instance iso_sym {A B : Type} (i : iso A B) : iso B A :=
coel := coer i;
coer := coel i;
coel_coer := coer_coel;
coer_coel := coel_coer;
Instance iso_trans
{A B C : Type} (i : iso A B) (j : iso B C) : iso A C :=
coel a := coel j (coel i a);
coer c := coer i (coer j c);
intros. rewrite 2!coel_coer. reflexivity.
intros. rewrite 2!coer_coel. reflexivity.
Instance iso_pres_prod
{A A' B B' : Type} (i : iso A A') (j : iso B B') : iso (A * B) (A' * B') :=
coel '(a, b) := (coel i a, coel j b);
coer '(a, b) := (coer i a, coer j b);
destruct a. rewrite !coel_coer. reflexivity.
destruct b. rewrite !coer_coel. reflexivity.
Instance prod_assoc (A B C : Type) : iso (A * (B * C)) ((A * B) * C) :=
coel '(a, (b, c)) := ((a, b), c);
coer '((a, b), c) := (a, (b, c));
intros [a [b c]]. reflexivity.
intros [[a b] c]. reflexivity.
Instance prod_unit_l (A : Type) : iso (unit * A) A :=
coel '(_, a) := a;
coer a := (tt, a);
intros [[] ]. reflexivity.
Instance prod_unit_r (A : Type) : iso (A * unit) A :=
coel '(a, _) := a;
coer a := (a, tt);
intros [a []]. reflexivity.
Instance prod_comm {A B : Type} : iso (A * B) (B * A) :=
coel '(a, b) := (b, a);
coer '(b, a) := (a, b);
destruct a. cbn. reflexivity.
destruct b. cbn. reflexivity.
Trzeba przerobić rozdział o typach i funkcjach tak, żeby nie mieszać
pojęć kategorycznych (wprowadzonych na początku) z teoriozbiorowymi
(injekcja, surjekcja, bijekcja). Przedstawić te 3 ostatnie jako
explicite charakteryzacje pojęć kategorycznych.
Instance sum_empty_l (A : Type) : iso (Empty_set + A) A :=
coel x := match x with | inl e => match e with end | inr a => a end;
coer := inr;
destruct a as [[] | a]. reflexivity.
Instance sum_empty_r (A : Type) : iso (A + Empty_set) A :=
coel x := match x with | inl a => a | inr e => match e with end end;
coer := inl;
destruct a as [a | []]. reflexivity.
Instance sum_assoc (A B C : Type) : iso (A + (B + C)) ((A + B) + C) :=
1-2: firstorder.
intros [a | [b | c]]; cbn; reflexivity.
intros [[a | b] | c]; cbn; reflexivity.
Instance sum_comm (A B : Type) : iso (A + B) (B + A) :=
1-2: firstorder.
destruct a as [a | b]; cbn; reflexivity.
destruct b as [b | a]; cbn; reflexivity.
Definition pred (n : nat) : option nat :=
match n with
| 0 => None
| S n' => Some n'
Definition unpred (on : option nat) : nat :=
match on with
| None => 0
| Some n => S n
Instance iso_nat_option_nat : iso nat (option nat) :=
coel n := match n with | 0 => None | S n' => Some n' end;
coer o := match o with | None => 0 | Some n => S n end;
destruct a; reflexivity.
destruct b; reflexivity.
Definition uncons {A : Type} (l : list A) : option (A * list A) :=
match l with
| [] => None
| h :: t => Some (h, t)
Definition ununcons {A : Type} (x : option (A * list A)) : list A :=
match x with
| None => []
| Some (h, t) => h :: t
Instance list_char (A : Type) : iso (list A) (option (A * list A)) :=
coel l :=
match l with
| [] => None
| h :: t => Some (h, t)
coer o :=
match o with
| None => []
| Some (h, t) => h :: t
destruct a; reflexivity.
destruct b as [[h t] |]; reflexivity.
Require Import F3.
Jak można się domyślić po przykładach, charakterystyczne izomorfizmy
dla prostych typów induktywnych są łatwe. A co z innowacyjniejszymi
rodzajami definicji induktywnych oraz z definicjami koinduktywnymi?
Sprawdźmy to!
Instance Stream_char (A : Type) : iso (Stream A) (A * Stream A) :=
coel s := (hd s, tl s);
coer '(a, s) := {| hd := a; tl := s |}
destruct a. cbn. reflexivity.
destruct b. cbn. reflexivity.
Ciekawsze izomorfizmy
Jak trudno jest zrobić ciekawsze izomorfizmy?
Function div2 (n : nat) : nat + nat :=
match n with
| 0 => inl 0
| 1 => inr 0
| S (S n') =>
match div2 n' with
| inl m => inl (S m)
| inr m => inr (S m)
Definition undiv2 (x : nat + nat) : nat :=
match x with
| inl n => 2 * n
| inr n => S (2 * n)
Instance iso_nat_sum_nat_nat : iso nat (nat + nat) :=
coel := div2;
coer := undiv2;
intro. functional induction (div2 a); cbn.
1-2: reflexivity.
rewrite e0 in IHs. cbn in IHs. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm, IHs. reflexivity.
rewrite e0 in IHs. cbn in IHs. rewrite <- plus_n_Sm, IHs. reflexivity.
destruct b.
cbn. functional induction (div2 n); cbn.
1-2: reflexivity.
rewrite <- 2!plus_n_Sm. cbn. rewrite IHs. reflexivity.
rewrite <- 2!plus_n_Sm. cbn. rewrite IHs. reflexivity.
induction n as [| n'].
cbn. reflexivity.
cbn in *. destruct n' as [| n'']; cbn in *.
rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. rewrite IHn'. reflexivity.
Niezbyt trudno, ale łatwo też nie.
Function goto' (x y n : nat) : nat * nat :=
match n, x with
| 0 , _ => (x, y)
| S n', 0 => goto' (S y) 0 n'
| S n', S x' => goto' x' (S y) n'
Definition goto (n : nat) : nat * nat :=
goto' 0 0 n.
Lemma goto'_add :
forall x y n m x' y': nat,
goto' x y n = (x', y') ->
goto' x y (n + m) = goto' x' y' m.
intros x y n.
functional induction goto' x y n;
cbn; intros.
inv H. reflexivity.
apply IHp. assumption.
apply IHp. assumption.
Lemma goto'_small :
forall x y n : nat,
n <= x ->
goto' x y n = (x - n, y + n).
functional induction goto' x y n.
f_equal; lia.
cbn. replace (y + S n') with (S y + n').
apply IHp. lia.
Lemma goto'_right :
forall x y : nat,
goto' x y (1 + x + y) = (S x, y).
replace (1 + x + y) with (x + (1 + y)) by lia.
erewrite goto'_add.
Focus 2. apply goto'_small. lia.
rewrite minus_diag. cbn. rewrite goto'_small.
f_equal; lia.
Lemma goto_add :
forall n m : nat,
goto (n + m) = goto' (fst (goto n)) (snd (goto n)) m.
intros. unfold goto.
erewrite goto'_add.
destruct (goto' 0 0 n); reflexivity.
Chcielibyśmy zdefiniować funkcję odwrotną do
goto' w ten sposób:
comefrom (0 , 0) = 0
comefrom (S x, 0) = 1 + comefrom (0 , x)
comefrom (x, S y) = 1 + comefrom (S x, y)
Niestety takie równania nie są strukturalnie rekurencyjne, więc definicja nie jest akceptowana przez Coqa. Próba
ratowania sytuacji za pomocą rekursji dobrze ufundowanej też by się nie powiodła (wiem bo próbowałem).
Zamiast tego, użyjemy nieco przerobionej definicji, a potem spróbujemy pokazać, że spełnia ona powyższe
Fixpoint comefrom' (x y : nat) {struct x} : nat :=
match x with
| 0 =>
(fix aux (y : nat) : nat :=
match y with
| 0 => 0
| S y' => 1 + y + aux y'
end) y
| S x' => x + y + comefrom' x' y
Definition comefrom (xy : nat * nat) : nat :=
comefrom' (fst xy) (snd xy).
Lemma comefrom'_eq_1 :
comefrom' 0 0 = 0.
Lemma comefrom'_eq_2 :
forall x : nat,
comefrom' (S x) 0 = 1 + comefrom' 0 x.
induction x as [| x']; cbn in *; lia.
Lemma comefrom'_eq_3 :
forall x y : nat,
comefrom' x (S y) = 1 + comefrom' (S x) y.
induction x as [| x'].
destruct y; cbn; lia.
intros y. specialize (IHx' y). cbn in *. lia.
Lemma comefrom'_right :
forall x y : nat,
comefrom' (S x) y = 1 + x + y + comefrom' x y.
induction x as [| x']; intros.
cbn. lia.
specialize (IHx' y). cbn. lia.
Lemma comefrom'_up :
forall x y : nat,
comefrom' x (S y) = 2 + x + y + comefrom' x y.
induction x as [| x']; intros.
cbn. lia.
specialize (IHx' y). cbn. lia.
Lemma comefrom'_goto' :
forall x y n x' y' : nat,
goto' x y n = (x', y') ->
comefrom' x' y' = comefrom' x y + n.
intros x y n.
functional induction goto' x y n;
inv H. lia.
rewrite (IHp _ _ H). rewrite comefrom'_eq_2. lia.
rewrite (IHp _ _ H). rewrite comefrom'_eq_3. lia.
Lemma comefrom_goto :
forall n : nat,
comefrom (goto n) = n.
destruct (goto n) as [x y] eqn: Heq.
unfold comefrom. cbn.
rewrite (comefrom'_goto' 0 0 n x y).
cbn. reflexivity.
exact Heq.
Lemma goto_comefrom :
forall xy : nat * nat,
goto (comefrom xy) = xy.
intros [x y].
unfold comefrom, fst, snd.
revert y.
induction x as [| x'].
induction y as [| y'].
cbn. reflexivity.
rewrite comefrom'_up, plus_comm, goto_add, IHy'. cbn. rewrite goto'_small.
f_equal; lia.
intros. rewrite comefrom'_right, plus_comm, goto_add, IHx'.
unfold fst, snd. apply goto'_right.
Instance iso_nat_prod_nat_nat : iso nat (nat * nat) :=
coel := goto;
coer := comefrom;
apply comefrom_goto.
apply goto_comefrom.
Jak trudno jest z podstawowych izomorfizmów dla produktów i sum
uskładać coś w stylu nat ~ list nat? A może nie da się i trzeba
robić ręcznie?
Inductive vec (A : Type) : nat -> Type :=
| vnil : vec A 0
| vcons : A -> forall {n : nat}, vec A n -> vec A (S n).
Arguments vnil {A}.
Arguments vcons {A} _ {n} _.
Definition vlist (A : Type) : Type :=
{n : nat & vec A n}.
Fixpoint vectorize' {A : Type} (l : list A) : vec A (length l) :=
match l with
| nil => vnil
| cons h t => vcons h (vectorize' t)
Definition vectorize {A : Type} (l : list A) : vlist A :=
existT _ (length l) (vectorize' l).
Fixpoint toList {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vec A n) : list A :=
match v with
| vnil => nil
| vcons h t => cons h (toList t)
Definition listize {A : Type} (v : vlist A) : list A :=
toList (projT2 v).
Lemma transport_cons :
forall {A : Type} {n m : nat} (h : A) (t : vec A n) (p : n = m),
transport (fun n : nat => vec A (S n)) p
(vcons h t) = vcons h (transport (fun n : nat => vec A n) p t).
destruct p. cbn. reflexivity.
Instance iso_list_vlist (A : Type) : iso (list A) (vlist A) :=
coel := vectorize;
coer := listize;
induction a as [| h t]; cbn in *.
rewrite IHt. reflexivity.
destruct b as [n v]. unfold vectorize. cbn.
induction v as [| h t]; cbn.
apply sigT_eq' in IHv. cbn in IHv. destruct IHv.
eapply sigT_eq. Unshelve. all: cycle 1.
exact (ap S x).
rewrite transport_ap, transport_cons, e. reflexivity.
Wnioski: da się zrobić trochę...
Fixpoint nat_vec {n : nat} (arg : nat) : vec nat (S n) :=
match n with
| 0 => vcons arg vnil
| S n' =>
(arg1, arg2) := goto arg
vcons arg1 (nat_vec arg2)
Fixpoint vec_nat {n : nat} (v : vec nat n) {struct v} : option nat :=
match v with
| vnil => None
| vcons h t =>
match vec_nat t with
| None => Some h
| Some r => Some (comefrom (h, r))
Definition head {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vec A (S n)) : A :=
match v with
| vcons h _ => h
Definition tail {A : Type} {n : nat} (v : vec A (S n)) : vec A n :=
match v with
| vcons _ t => t
Instance vec_S (A : Type) (n : nat) : iso (vec A (S n)) (A * vec A n) :=
coel v := (head v, tail v);
coer '(h, t) := vcons h t;
intro. refine (match a with vcons _ _ => _ end). cbn. reflexivity.
destruct b. cbn. reflexivity.
Instance iso_nat_vlist_S :
forall n : nat,
iso nat (vec nat (S n)).
induction n as [| n'].
split with
(coel := fun n => vcons n vnil)
(coer := head).
cbn. reflexivity.
refine (match b with vcons _ _ => _ end).
destruct n0; cbn; f_equal.
refine (match v with vnil => _ end). reflexivity.
red. trivial.
eapply iso_trans.
apply iso_nat_prod_nat_nat.
eapply iso_trans.
Focus 2. apply iso_sym, vec_S.
apply iso_pres_prod.
apply iso_refl.
Instance iso_vlist_option :
forall A : Type,
iso (vlist A) (option {n : nat & vec A (S n)}).
esplit. Unshelve. all: cycle 2.
intros [[]].
exact None.
apply Some. exists n. exact v.
intros [[n v] |].
exists (S n). exact v.
exists 0. exact vnil.
destruct a, v; reflexivity.
destruct b.
destruct s. reflexivity.
Definition fmap_option {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (x : option A) : option B :=
match x with
| None => None
| Some a => Some (f a)
Instance iso_pres_option
(A B : Type) (i : iso A B) : iso (option A) (option B) :=
coel := fmap_option (coel i);
coer := fmap_option (coer i);
destruct a; f_equal; cbn; f_equal. apply coel_coer.
destruct b; f_equal; cbn; f_equal. apply coer_coel.
Instance iso_prod_sigT :
forall (A B : Type) (B' : A -> Type),
(forall x : A, iso B (B' x)) -> iso (A * B) {x : A & B' x}.
intros A B B' H.
esplit. Unshelve. all: cycle 2.
intros [a b]. exists a. destruct (H a) as [f g H1 H2]. apply f. exact b.
intros [a b']. split.
exact a.
destruct (H a) as [f g H1 H2]. apply g. exact b'.
destruct a, (H a); cbn. f_equal. apply coel_coer0.
intros [a b']. cbn. destruct (H a). f_equal. apply coer_coel0.
Instance iso_nat_list_nat :
iso nat (list nat).
eapply iso_trans.
Focus 2. apply iso_sym. apply iso_list_vlist.
unfold vlist.
eapply iso_trans.
apply iso_nat_option_nat.
eapply iso_trans.
Focus 2. apply iso_sym. apply iso_vlist_option.
apply iso_pres_option.
eapply iso_trans.
apply iso_nat_prod_nat_nat.
apply iso_prod_sigT.
apply iso_nat_vlist_S.
... ale
nat ~ list nat jest dość trudne.
Dziwne aksjomaty i płynące z nich logiki (TODO)
Definition ProofIrrelevance : Prop :=
forall (P : Prop) (p q : P), p = q.
Definition UIP : Prop :=
forall (A : Type) (x y : A) (p q : x = y), p = q.
Definition K : Prop :=
forall (A : Type) (x : A) (p : x = x), p = eq_refl x.
Definition PropositionalExtensionality : Prop :=
forall P Q : Prop, (P <-> Q) -> P = Q.
Lemma UIP_K : UIP -> K.
Lemma K_UIP : K -> UIP.
Lemma ProofIrrelevance_UIP :
ProofIrrelevance -> UIP.
Lemma ProofIrrelevance_K :
ProofIrrelevance -> K.
Parametryczność, a raczej jej brak (TODO)
Axiom LEM : forall (A : Type), A + (A -> False).
Open Scope type_scope.
Definition bad' (A : Type) :
{f : A -> A &
(@path Type bool A * forall x : A, f x <> x) +
((@path Type bool A -> False) * forall x : A, f x = x)}.
destruct (LEM (@path Type bool A)).
destruct p. exists negb. left. split.
destruct x; inversion 1.
exists (fun x : A => x). right. split.
Definition bad (A : Type) : A -> A := projT1 (bad' A).
Lemma bad_is_bad :
forall b : bool, bad bool b <> b.
unfold bad.
intros. destruct bad'; cbn. destruct s as [[p H] | [p H]].
apply H.
contradiction p. reflexivity.
Lemma bad_ist_gut :
forall (A : Type) (x : A),
(@path Type bool A -> False) -> bad A x = x.
unfold bad. intros A x p.
destruct bad' as [f [[q H] | [q H]]]; cbn.
contradiction p.
apply H.