G3z: Zbiory skończone [TODO]
From Typonomikon Require Import G3.
TODO: przetłumaczyć na polski.
Typ zbiorów skończonych
We define finite sets as a Private Inductive Type hidden inside a module.
Module FinSet.
Finite sets are made using constructors which look like nil and cons for lists.
Private Inductive FinSet (A : Type) : Type :=
| empty : FinSet A
| scons : A -> FinSet A -> FinSet A.
Arguments empty {A}.
Arguments scons {A} _ _.
Now comes the hack: we assume that we can change the ordering of elements in
the set with
swap and remove duplicates using
Note that this allows us to prove
False inside the module, because constructors
of inductive types are injective by default. But of course we won't do it.
Axiom swap :
forall {A : Type} (x y : A) (s : FinSet A),
scons x (scons y s) = scons y (scons x s).
Axiom idem :
forall {A : Type} (x : A) (s : FinSet A),
scons x (scons x s) = scons x s.
Now we define the recursion principle.
Section rec.
Given a type
P that has the structure of a finite set, i.e.:
- there's an empty set
- we can add an element to the set
- we can swap elements in the set
- we can remove duplicates
(A : Type)
(P : Type)
(empty' : P)
(scons' : A -> P -> P)
(swap' : forall (x y : A) (s : P), scons' x (scons' y s) = scons' y (scons' x s))
(idem' : forall (x : A) (s : P), scons' x (scons' x s) = scons' x s).
We can define an element of P from any finite set s by replacing the
constructors of s with the provided operations. Note that the arguments
swap' and idem' guarantee that the provided operations behave nicely.
Fixpoint FinSet_rec
(swap' : forall (x y : A) (s : P), scons' x (scons' y s) = scons' y (scons' x s))
(idem' : forall (x : A) (s : P), scons' x (scons' x s) = scons' x s)
(s : FinSet A) : P :=
match s with
| empty => empty'
| scons x s' => scons' x (FinSet_rec swap' idem' s')
The path swap of FinSet gets mapped to the path swap' provided by P
and analogously for idem.
Axiom FinSet_rec_swap :
forall (x y : A) (s : FinSet A),
ap (FinSet_rec swap' idem') (swap x y s) = swap' x y (FinSet_rec swap' idem' s).
Axiom FinSet_rec_idem :
forall (x : A) (s : FinSet A),
ap (FinSet_rec swap' idem') (idem x s) = idem' x (FinSet_rec swap' idem' s).
End rec.
Reguła indukcji
Now we define the induction principle.
Section ind.
This time we are given a type P that supports making the empty set and adding
elements to the set, but we don't need any guarantees that these operations
behave nicely, because the induction principle will be only used to construct
proofs - we kind of implicitly assume proof irrelevance here.
(A : Type)
(P : FinSet A -> Prop)
(empty' : P empty)
(scons' : forall (x : A) {s : FinSet A}, P s -> P (scons x s)).
If we can prove P for the empty case and for the "add element" case,
we can prove it for all finite sets.
Fixpoint FinSet_ind (s : FinSet A) : P s :=
match s with
| empty => empty'
| scons x s' => scons' x s' (FinSet_ind s')
End ind.
Zależny rekursor
Now we define the dependent recursor. This is a joint generalization of the
recursor and the induction principle.
Section rect.
(A : Type)
(P : FinSet A -> Type)
(empty' : P empty)
(scons' : forall (x : A) {s : FinSet A}, P s -> P (scons x s))
(Swap' :=
forall (x y : A) (s : FinSet A) (s' : P s),
transport _ (swap x y s) (scons' x (scons' y s')) = scons' y (scons' x s'))
(swap' : Swap')
(Idem' :=
forall (x : A) (s : FinSet A) (s' : P s),
transport _ (idem x s) (scons' x (scons' x s')) = scons' x s')
(idem' : Idem').
Fixpoint FinSet_rect
(swap' : Swap') (idem' : Idem') (s : FinSet A) : P s :=
match s with
| empty => empty'
| scons x s' => scons' x s' (FinSet_rect swap' idem' s')
Axiom FinSet_rect_swap :
forall (x y : A) (s : FinSet A),
apd (FinSet_rect swap' idem') (swap x y s) = swap' x y s (FinSet_rect swap' idem' s).
Axiom FinSet_rect_idem :
forall (x : A) (s : FinSet A),
apd (FinSet_rect swap' idem') (idem x s) = idem' x s (FinSet_rect swap' idem' s).
End rect.
End FinSet.
After closing the module, we can no longer define functions out of
by pattern matching, because the type is private. Now the only way to define
functions (and prove theorems) is to use the recursion/induction principles
that we defined inside the module.
Also note that even though we could have proved
False inside the module,
we didn't do it and now after closing the module we are back in a safe world
with no contradictions.
Import FinSet.
Działania na zbiorach skończonych
Now we define the union of two finite sets. This corresponds to
app on
lists. Note that because we can't use pattern matching, we must do this
in proof mode using
Definition union {A : Type} (s1 s2 : FinSet A) : FinSet A.
@FinSet_rec A (FinSet A)
(fun x rc => scons x rc)
_ _ s1
); clear s1 s2.
- now apply swap.
- now apply idem.
One problem with our approach is that the proofs (the swap/idem cases)
are part of function definitions, so when we try to cbn or unfold, they
get out and things get ugly. Therefore, we prove (by reflexivity) separate
lemmas which we'll use for rewriting.
Lemma union_empty_l :
forall {A : Type} (s : FinSet A),
union empty s = s.
Proof. easy. Defined.
Lemma union_scons_l :
forall {A : Type} (x : A) (s1 s2 : FinSet A),
union (scons x s1) s2 = scons x (union s1 s2).
Proof. easy. Defined.
Proofs in our approach are very pleasant - we only need to handle the cases
which correspond to empty and scons, so it's as simple as proving lemmas
about lists.
Lemma union_empty_r :
forall {A : Type} (s : FinSet A),
union s empty = s.
intros A.
induction s as [| x s IH] using (@FinSet_ind A).
- now rewrite union_empty_l.
- now rewrite union_scons_l, IH.
Lemma union_scons_r :
forall {A : Type} (x : A) (s1 s2 : FinSet A),
union s1 (scons x s2) = scons x (union s1 s2).
intros A; induction s1 as [| y s1' IH] using (@FinSet_ind A); intros.
- now rewrite !union_empty_l.
- now rewrite !union_scons_l, IH, swap.
Lemma union_comm :
forall {A : Type} (s1 s2 : FinSet A),
union s1 s2 = union s2 s1.
intros A; induction s1 as [| x s1' IH] using (@FinSet_ind A); intros.
- now rewrite union_empty_l, union_empty_r.
- now rewrite union_scons_l, union_scons_r, IH.
Lemma union_idem :
forall {A : Type} (s : FinSet A),
union s s = s.
intros A; induction s as [| x s' IH] using (@FinSet_ind A); intros.
- now rewrite union_empty_l.
- now rewrite union_scons_l, union_scons_r, IH, idem.
Lemma union_assoc :
forall {A : Type} (s1 s2 s3 : FinSet A),
union (union s1 s2) s3 = union s1 (union s2 s3).
intros A; induction s1 as [| x s1' IH] using (@FinSet_ind A); intros.
- now rewrite !union_empty_l.
- now rewrite !union_scons_l, IH.
What happens when we try to define an evil function, like the one that
tries to extract the "head" element from a set?
Definition head {A : Type} (s : FinSet A) : option A.
@FinSet_rec A (option A)
(fun x _ => Some x)
_ _ s
); clear s; cycle 1.
- easy.
- intros x y s.
Definition map {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (s : FinSet A) : FinSet B.
@FinSet_rec A (FinSet B)
(fun x rc => scons (f x) rc)
_ _ s
); clear s.
- now intros x y s; apply swap.
- now intros; apply idem.
Definition filter {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) (s : FinSet A) : FinSet A.
@FinSet_rec A (FinSet A)
(fun x rc => if p x then scons x rc else rc)
_ _ s
); clear s.
- now intros x y s'; destruct (p x), (p y); [apply swap | | |].
- now intros x s; destruct (p x); [apply idem |].
Definition join {A : Type} (ss : FinSet (FinSet A)) : FinSet A.
@FinSet_rec (FinSet A) (FinSet A)
(fun x rc => union x rc)
_ _ ss
); clear ss.
- now intros x y z; rewrite <- union_assoc, (union_comm x y), union_assoc.
- now intros x y; rewrite <- union_assoc, union_idem.
Definition any {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) (s : FinSet A) : bool.
@FinSet_rec A bool
(fun x rc => orb (p x) rc)
_ _ s
); clear s.
- now intros x y s; destruct (p x), (p y).
- now intros x s; destruct (p x); cbn.
Definition all {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) (s : FinSet A) : bool.
@FinSet_rec A bool
(fun x rc => andb (p x) rc)
_ _ s
); clear s.
- now intros x y s; destruct (p x), (p y).
- now intros x s; destruct (p x); cbn.
Definition elem_of {A : Type} (p : A -> A -> bool) (s : FinSet A) (x : A) : bool.
@FinSet_rec A bool
(fun y rc => orb (p x y) rc)
_ _ s
); clear s.
- now intros y1 y2 b; destruct (p x y1), (p x y2).
- now intros y b; destruct (p x y).
Axiom czarnobyl : False.
Definition Elem {A : Type} (x : A) (s : FinSet A) : Prop.
@FinSet_rec A Prop
(fun y rc => x = y \/ rc)
_ _ s
- intros y z P. destruct czarnobyl.
- intros y P. destruct czarnobyl.
Lemma isProp_Elem :
forall {A : Type} {x : A} {s : FinSet A} (e1 e2 : Elem x s),
e1 = e2.
intros A x s; revert x.
@FinSet_ind A (fun s => forall (x : A) (e1 e2 : Elem x s), e1 = e2)
_ _ s
); cbn.
- now destruct e1.
- clear s; intros x s IH y e1 e2.
destruct e1, e2; subst.
+ admit.
+ admit.
+ admit.
+ now f_equal; apply IH.