M4: Teoria porządków [TODO]
Typy porównań dla rozstrzygalnych porządków (TODO)
Module Preorder_ind.
Inductive PreOrdCmp : Type :=
| LtEq
| GtEq
| Both
| Neither.
End Preorder_ind.
Module Preorder_def.
Definition PreOrdCmp : Type := bool * bool.
End Preorder_def.
Module PartialOrder.
Inductive PosetCmp : Type :=
| Lt
| Eq
| Gt
| Neither.
End PartialOrder.
Module LinearOrder.
Inductive LinOrdCmp : Type :=
| Lt
| Eq
| Gt.
End LinearOrder.
Beware: total orders and linear orders are actually different things constructively!
Module TotalOrder.
Inductive TotalOrderCmp : Type :=
| Lt
| Eq
| Gt.
End TotalOrder.
Rozstrzygalne porządki, podejście pierwsze (TODO)
Module v1.
Require Import Setoid.
Inductive Order : Type :=
| Lt
| Eq
| Gt
| Nc.
Definition op (o : Order) : Order :=
match o with
| Lt => Gt
| Eq => Eq
| Gt => Lt
| Nc => Nc
Module FirstTry.
Class DecidablePoset (A : Type) : Type :=
cmp : A -> A -> Order;
cmp_refl :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Eq <-> x = y;
cmp_trans :
forall x y z : A,
cmp x y = Lt -> cmp y z = Lt -> cmp x z = Lt;
cmp_antisym :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Lt <-> cmp y x = Gt;
Class StrictPoset (A : Type) : Type :=
rel : A -> A -> Prop;
rel_antirefl :
forall x : A, ~ rel x x;
rel_trans :
forall x y z : A, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z;
rel_antisym :
forall x y : A, rel x y -> rel y x -> False;
rel_dec :
forall x y : A, {rel x y} + {~ rel x y};
Lemma DecidablePoset_to_StrictPoset :
forall {A : Type}, DecidablePoset A -> StrictPoset A.
intros A [cmp refl trans antisym].
split with (fun x y => cmp x y = Lt); intros.
- intro. specialize (refl x x). specialize (antisym x x). intuition congruence.
- eapply trans; eassumption.
- specialize (antisym x y). intuition congruence.
- destruct (cmp x y) eqn: Hcmp; [left | | |]; try right; congruence.
Lemma StrictPoset_to_DecidablePoset :
forall {A : Type}, StrictPoset A -> DecidablePoset A.
intros A [R antirefl trans antisym dec].
split with (
fun x y =>
match dec x y, dec y x with
| left _ , left _ => Nc
| left _ , right _ => Lt
| right _, left _ => Gt
| right _, right _ => Eq
- destruct (dec x y), (dec y x).
+ intuition; try congruence. subst. specialize (antirefl _ r). contradiction.
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence.
End FirstTry.
Module SecondTry.
Class DecidablePoset (A : Type) : Type :=
cmp : A -> A -> Order;
cmp_refl :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Eq <-> x = y;
cmp_trans :
forall (x y z : A) (o : Order),
o <> Nc -> cmp x y = o -> cmp y z = o -> cmp x z = o;
cmp_antisym :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Lt <-> cmp y x = Gt;
Class Poset (A : Type) : Type :=
rel : A -> A -> Prop;
rel_refl :
forall x : A, rel x x;
rel_trans :
forall x y z : A, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z;
rel_antisym :
forall x y : A, rel x y -> rel y x -> x = y;
rel_dec :
forall x y : A, {rel x y} + {~ rel x y};
Lemma DecidablePoset_to_Poset :
forall {A : Type}, DecidablePoset A -> Poset A.
intros A [cmp refl trans antisym].
split with (fun x y => cmp x y = Lt \/ cmp x y = Eq); intros.
- right. now apply refl.
- intuition.
+ left. eapply trans; eauto. congruence.
+ left. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
+ left. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
+ right. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
- intuition.
+ apply antisym in H. congruence.
+ apply antisym in H1. congruence.
+ apply antisym in H. congruence.
+ rewrite refl in *. congruence.
- destruct (cmp x y) eqn: Hcmp.
+ left. now left.
+ left. now right.
+ right. intro. intuition congruence.
+ right. intro. intuition congruence.
Lemma Poset_to_DecidablePoset :
forall {A : Type}, Poset A -> DecidablePoset A.
intros A [R refl trans antisym dec].
split with (
fun x y =>
match dec x y, dec y x with
| left _ , left _ => Eq
| left _ , right _ => Lt
| right _, left _ => Gt
| right _, right _ => Nc
- destruct (dec x y), (dec y x).
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence. subst. specialize (refl y). contradiction.
- destruct (dec x z), (dec z x).
+ specialize (antisym _ _ r r0); subst. destruct (dec z y), (dec y z); intuition congruence.
+ destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
end; intuition; try congruence.
clear H H1. assert (R x y) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
+ destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
end; intuition; try congruence.
clear H H1. assert (R x z) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
+ destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
| H : R ?x ?x -> False |- _ => specialize (refl x); contradiction
end; intuition; try congruence.
* assert (R x z) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
* assert (R z x) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
- destruct (dec x y), (dec y x); intuition congruence.
End SecondTry.
End v1.
Rozstrzygalne porządki, podejście drugie (TODO)
Module v2.
Require Import Setoid.
Inductive Order' : Type :=
| Lt'
| Eq'
| Gt'.
Definition Order : Type := option Order'.
Definition Lt : Order := Some Lt'.
Definition Eq : Order := Some Eq'.
Definition Gt : Order := Some Gt'.
Module FirstTry.
Class DecidablePoset (A : Type) : Type :=
cmp : A -> A -> Order;
cmp_refl :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Eq <-> x = y;
cmp_trans :
forall x y z : A,
cmp x y = Lt -> cmp y z = Lt -> cmp x z = Lt;
cmp_antisym :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Lt <-> cmp y x = Gt;
Class StrictPoset (A : Type) : Type :=
rel : A -> A -> Prop;
rel_antirefl :
forall x : A, ~ rel x x;
rel_trans :
forall x y z : A, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z;
rel_antisym :
forall x y : A, rel x y -> rel y x -> False;
rel_dec :
forall x y : A, {rel x y} + {~ rel x y};
Lemma DecidablePoset_to_StrictPoset :
forall {A : Type}, DecidablePoset A -> StrictPoset A.
intros A [cmp refl trans antisym].
split with (fun x y => cmp x y = Lt); intros.
- intro. specialize (refl x x). specialize (antisym x x).
unfold Lt, Gt in *. intuition congruence.
- eapply trans; eassumption.
- specialize (antisym x y). unfold Lt, Gt in *. intuition congruence.
- unfold Lt. destruct (cmp x y) as [[| |] |] eqn: Hcmp; [left | | |]; try right; congruence.
Lemma StrictPoset_to_DecidablePoset :
forall {A : Type}, StrictPoset A -> DecidablePoset A.
intros A [R antirefl trans antisym dec].
split with (
fun x y =>
match dec x y, dec y x with
| left _ , left _ => None
| left _ , right _ => Lt
| right _, left _ => Gt
| right _, right _ => Eq
- destruct (dec x y), (dec y x).
+ split; inversion 1; subst. elim (antirefl y). assumption.
+ unfold Lt, Eq. intuition; try congruence.
+ unfold Lt, Eq, Gt. intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition.
End FirstTry.
Module SecondTry.
Class DecidablePoset (A : Type) : Type :=
cmp : A -> A -> Order;
cmp_refl :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Eq <-> x = y;
cmp_trans :
forall (x y z : A) (o : Order),
o <> None -> cmp x y = o -> cmp y z = o -> cmp x z = o;
cmp_antisym :
forall x y : A, cmp x y = Lt <-> cmp y x = Gt;
Class Poset (A : Type) : Type :=
rel : A -> A -> Prop;
rel_refl :
forall x : A, rel x x;
rel_trans :
forall x y z : A, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z;
rel_antisym :
forall x y : A, rel x y -> rel y x -> x = y;
rel_dec :
forall x y : A, {rel x y} + {~ rel x y};
Lemma DecidablePoset_to_Poset :
forall {A : Type}, DecidablePoset A -> Poset A.
intros A [cmp refl trans antisym].
split with (fun x y => cmp x y = Lt \/ cmp x y = Eq); intros.
- right. now apply refl.
- intuition.
+ left. eapply trans; eauto. inversion 1.
+ left. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
+ left. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
+ right. rewrite refl in *. congruence.
- intuition.
+ apply antisym in H. unfold Lt, Gt in *. congruence.
+ apply antisym in H1. unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *. congruence.
+ apply antisym in H. unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *. congruence.
+ rewrite refl in *. congruence.
- destruct (cmp x y) as [[] |] eqn: Hcmp.
+ left. now left.
+ left. now right.
+ right. unfold Lt, Eq, Gt. intuition congruence.
+ right. unfold Lt, Eq, Gt. intuition congruence.
Lemma Poset_to_DecidablePoset :
forall {A : Type}, Poset A -> DecidablePoset A.
intros A [R refl trans antisym dec].
split with (
fun x y =>
match dec x y, dec y x with
| left _ , left _ => Eq
| left _ , right _ => Lt
| right _, left _ => Gt
| right _, right _ => None
- destruct (dec x y), (dec y x).
+ intuition; try congruence.
+ unfold Lt, Eq. intuition; try congruence.
+ unfold Eq, Gt. intuition; try congruence.
+ intuition; try congruence.
* inversion H.
* elim n. subst. apply refl.
- destruct (dec x z), (dec z x).
+ specialize (antisym _ _ r r0); subst.
unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *.
destruct (dec z y), (dec y z); intuition congruence.
+ unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *.
destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
end; intuition; try congruence.
clear H H1. assert (R x y) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
+ unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *.
destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
end; intuition; try congruence.
clear H H1. assert (R x z) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
+ unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *.
destruct (dec x y), (dec y x), (dec y z), (dec z y); intuition; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : R ?x ?y, H' : R ?y ?x |- _ => pose (antisym _ _ H H'); clearbody e; subst; clear H H'
| H : R ?x ?x -> False |- _ => specialize (refl x); contradiction
end; intuition; try congruence.
* assert (R x z) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
* assert (R z x) by (eapply trans; eauto). contradiction.
- unfold Lt, Eq, Gt in *.
destruct (dec x y), (dec y x); intuition congruence.
End SecondTry.
End v2.